Bay Shore Babies is available at each of our 9 and 10:30 am Sunday morning Experiences and is a Sunday morning preschool experience for children ages 6 weeks through Pre-K. 

Bay Shore Babies Experiences are engaging and fun environments where your children can experience God’s love for them and be cared for by trained Bay Shore staff and Partners.




Every Sunday we help our smallest (and sweetest) guests know:

  • God made me.

  • God loves me.

  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


We do this with our amazing First Look curriculum from Orange. Once your child encounters Ollie the Owl and all his amazing friends at the clubhouse they will be excited to share with you all that they learned Sunday morning! 



This great curriculum comes with an App for you called Parent Cue! Parent Cue is free and can help you make the Sunday morning Experience last throughout the week. It is tailored right to your kids' ages with videos for them to watch and questions for you to ask them as you sit to eat, drive around town, and at bed time. We love this app and hope you download it today!

All staff and volunteers contributing to Bay Shore Babies have to go through an extensive screening process (complete with background checks) before they are authorized to come in contact with children. 


Please arrive by 8:55 am and 10:25 am to check-in your child to ensure you enjoy the Adult experience as much as your Bay Shore Baby will enjoy theirs.


Baby Dedication: A few times a year we have baby dedications where we bring our children and dedicate them to the Lord following the Biblical pattern. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus and dedicate him in the temple, as written about in Luke 2:22-23. If you are interested in dedicating your child, or have any questions about Bay Shore Babies, please contact us.